Sheppey Inn
Lower GodneyBA5 1RZ

See more about this pub on CAMRA's national web site
A many roomed, pub with lots of contemporary paintings on the walls, set in the wilds of the Somerset levels, west of Wells. It has a good range of up to four, ever changing, real ales, plus six or more craft beers almost all from Somerset or Bristol breweries and up to six ciders on gravity. The number of ales available may be reduced at times during Winter months (kitchen may be closed on Wednesdays during January). The rather plain frontage hides a barn sized but smart interior with various seating areas and two large dining rooms. Outside is a lovely terrace overlooking the eponymous River Sheppey, where otters have been spotted, with extensive views over the levels. The food is highly recommended.
Included in the The Times “45 best summer pubs for summer” in July 2023