Bath & Borders

Kettlesmith Brewery

16, Treenwood Industrial Estate
BA15 2AU
Telephone(01225) 864839
Real AleDisabled AccessParkingDog FriendlyLive Music
Opening times: Mon–Thu 10:00-17:00; Fri 10:00-18:00; Sat 12:00-17:00; Sun closed
Regular beers: Kettlesmith Caroline, Kettlesmith Coastline, Kettlesmith Faultline, Kettlesmith Fogline, Kettlesmith Plotline

See more about this pub on CAMRA's national web site

Kettlesmith's shop and tap room is now up and running. At least four or five of their beers will be on, plus, possibly, a guest ale from another specialist brewery. See their web site for the full range to take away.

The full range of their beers will be available in bottles and cans to takeaway. The beers on tap can also be bought for takeaway in 5 litre micro-kegs and 3 litre pouches. There is outside seating, including quite a bit under canopies, and, limited, seating inside. To find the brewery, it is just beyond Sainsburys supermarket, down to the left.